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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

What is Art ? A Short Video by Colt Duncan

Wassup??!!! About 6 years ago I tried chewing tobacco or Dip for the first time. I got addicted which no one really thinks they ever will until they are. Then two years ago I started smoking cigarettes, another habit I wasn't too proud of, but I got addicted to those as well. I made this video with the theme from our class being time and space, with the thought in mind of how much time tobacco can take off of our lives and how addictive and hard to kick it is. I am happy to say that today marks 2 months without cigarettes and 1 month without dipping tobacco, and I have never felt better or more free. So I made this video below!!!! Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Some pics I have taken in the past that I randomly found cleaning up space on my laptop!!

Favorite Artist: Salvador Dali


Since this is an art class, I am writing today about one of my favorite artists, Salvador Dali.

He was this surrealist painter, meaning he painted things that looked strange or dreamlike.
In this video Salvador Dali teams up with one of my favorite animators/animation companies, Walt Disney to make this short called Destino. Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Hi my name is Colt Duncan and this is my blog for New Media in Art, a class at Lawrence University where I am a Senior.

Figured I would start with a music video I thought looked cool. Here it is